DANCE YOUR WAY TO GOD is Dance your way to Source is Dance your way to freedom. Universe is singing a song. Universe is dancing along . Its high time to dance . So wake up and dance. "Modern human beings are starving ,to be playful, to be innocent,to just dance, to sing, to be in nature, to be quiet….They have forgotten how to be natural, and in this way they have become very shallow. Dance your way to God is Journey of love and connecting your heart through movement of the body , Rejuventing the mind through Meditation, Igniting your soul through Reconnection with source. How it can happen , we carry much pain, and suffering in our body mind and heart, unless until they are consciously released, you can not experience,Love light laughter and celebration in your life.. Heart longing for freedom, Love, Peace, Beauty , But we Mostly don’t listen to its inner voice...